Wednesday, 12th March, 2025

Casino Answers » Slots » 1x2 Gaming » Italia 3X3

Italia 3X3

Italia 3X3 is an Italian September 2019 video slot whose developer 1X2 Gaming’s other 3X3-branded games include: Jackpot 3X3 (2018), Christmas 3X3 (December 2019), Fruity 3X3 (January 2015), Football 3X3 (May 2018), Rainbow 3X3 (March 2019), World Cup 3X3 (May 2018).

Italian national identity, cuisine, dessert, and designer items are the themes in Italia 3X3 whose winning symbols pay from X1 to X500 for a three-of-a-kind in its lone pay line.

Italia 3X3 Game Characteristics

The vintage Italia 3X3 has sixteen symbols, X9 bet factor, eleven total bets, and neither free games nor a bonus game. True to its 3X3 name, this Italian flag-inspired grid has three color-coded 3X3 columns—green left columns, white central columns, and red right columns; set on a teal background, each column has three detached stacks of starry 3X1 grids that make up the grid’s 27 cells.

The Italia 3X3’s coin values: $0.10, $0.20, $0.30, $0.40, $0.50, $0.80, $1.00, $2.00, $3.00, $4.00, and $5.00. The total bet: $0.90 (minimum), $1.80, $2.70, $3.60, $4.50, $7.20, $9.00, $18.00, $27.00, $36.00, and $45.00 (maximum).

Italia 3X3 has these ordinary-only symbols: sliced pizza, tricolored Italian map, Italian flag, fiery Venetian mask, bottled olive oil, pasta, ice cream, designer sunglasses/purse, red-colored high heels, red scooter, white fedora hat, coffee serving, wine, Leaning Tower of Pisa, The Colosseum, and Mona Lisa.

Landing on the grid’s top row: pizza, map, flag, mask, oil, pasta, ice cream, and sunglasses/purse. Drawn on the grid’s central row: pizza, map, flag, oil, heels, scooter, hat, and wine. Drawn on the grid’s bottom row: pizza, map, oil, heels, coffee, Pisa tower, The Colosseum, and Monalisa.

Here are the Italia 3X3’s payouts. The $0.90 bet. Pizza: $0.90. Map: $1.80. Flag: $2.70. Mask: $3.60. Oil: $4.50. Pasta: $5.40. Ice cream: $6.30. Glasses/purse: $7.20. Heels: $9.00. Scooter: $13.50. Hat: $18.00. Coffee: $22.50. Wine: $27.00. Pisa tower: $45.00. The Colosseum: $90.00. Mona Lisa: $450.00.

The $1.80 bet. Pizza: $1.80. Map: $3.60. Flag: $5.40. Mask: $7.20. Oil: $9.00. Pasta: $10.80. Ice cream: $12.60. Glasses/purse: $14.40. Heels: $18.00. Scooter: $27.00. Hat: $36.00. Coffee: $45.00. Wine: $54.00. Pisa tower: $90.00. The Colosseum: $180.00. Mona Lisa: $900.00.

The $2.70 bet. Pizza: $2.70. Map: $5.40. Flag: $8.10. Mask: $10.80. Oil: $13.50. Pasta: $16.20. Ice cream: $18.90. Glasses/purse: $21.60. Heels: $27.00. Scooter: $40.50. Hat: $54.00. Coffee: $67.50. Wine: $81.00. Pisa tower: $135.00. The Colosseum: $270.00. Mona Lisa: $1350.00.

The $3.60 bet. Pizza: $3.60. Map: $7.20. Flag: $10.80. Mask: $14.40. Oil: $18.00. Pasta: $21.60. Ice cream: $25.20. Glasses/purse: $28.80. Heels: $36.00. Scooter: $54.00. Hat: $72.00. Coffee: $90.00. Wine: $108.00. Pisa tower: $180.00. The Colosseum: $360.00. Mona Lisa: $1800.00.

The $4.50 bet. Pizza: $4.50. Map: $9.00. Flag: $13.50. Mask: $18.00. Oil: $22.50. Pasta: $27.00. Ice cream: $31.50. Glasses/purse: $36.00. Heels: $45.00. Scooter: $67.50. Hat: $90.00. Coffee: $112.50. Wine: $135.00. Pisa tower: $225.00. The Colosseum: $450.00. Mona Lisa: $2250.00.

The $7.20 bet. Pizza: $7.20. Map: $14.40. Flag: $21.60. Mask: $28.80. Oil: $36.00. Pasta: $43.20. Ice cream: $50.40. Glasses/purse: $57.60. Heels: $72.00. Scooter: $108.00. Hat: $144.00. Coffee: $180.00. Wine: $216.00. Pisa tower: $360.00. The Colosseum: $720.00. Mona Lisa: $3600.00.

The $9.00 bet. Pizza: $9.00. Map: $18.00. Flag: $27.00. Mask: $36.00. Oil: $45.00. Pasta: $54.00. Ice cream: $63.00. Glasses/purse: $72.00. Heels: $90.00. Scooter: $135. Hat: $180.00. Coffee: $225.00. Wine: $270.00. Pisa tower: $450.00. The Colosseum: $900.00. Mona Lisa: $4500.00.

The $18.00 bet. Pizza: $18.00. Map: $36.00. Flag: $54.00. Mask: $72.00. Oil: $90.00. Pasta: $108.00. Ice cream: $126.00. Glasses/purse: $144.00. Heels: $180.00. Scooter: $270.00. Hat: $360.00. Coffee: $450.00. Wine: $540.00. Pisa tower: $900.00. The Colosseum: $1800.00. Mona Lisa: $9000.00.

The $27.00 bet. Pizza: $27.00. Map: $54.00. Flag: $81.00. Mask: $108.00. Oil: $135.00. Pasta: $162.00. Ice cream: $189.00. Glasses/purse: $216.00. Heels: $270.00. Scooter: $405.00. Hat: $540.00. Coffee: $675.00. Wine: $810.00. Pisa tower: $1350.00. The Colosseum: $2700.00. Mona Lisa: $13500.00.

The $36.00 bet. Pizza: $36.00. Map: $72.00. Flag: $108.00. Mask: $144.00. Oil: $180.00. Pasta: $216.00. Ice cream: $252.00. Glasses/purse: $288.00. Heels: $360.00. Scooter: $540.00. Hat: $720.00. Coffee: $900.00. Wine: $1080.00. Pisa tower: $1800.00. The Colosseum: $3600.00. Mona Lisa: $18000.00.

The $45.00 bet. Pizza: $45.00. Map: $90.00. Flag: $135.00. Mask: $180.00. Oil: $225.00. Pasta: $270.00. Ice cream: $315.00. Glasses/purse: $360.00 (top row’s maximum win). Heels: $450.00. Scooter: $675.00. Hat: $900.00. Coffee: $1125.00. Wine: $1350.00 (middle row’s maximum win). Pisa tower: $2250.00. The Colosseum: $4500.00. Mona Lisa: $22500.00 (bottom row’s maximum win—non-progressive jackpot). Note: the developer may cap winnings at $8070.00 per bet cycle.

The plain Italia 3X3 software: HTML5 technology; mobile/desktop version’s landscape and portrait modes; bet history; retro sounds; and unanimated flashing 2D graphics.

Luck in Italia 3X3

Outcomes are randomly generated in Italia 3X3; its lowest RTP rate is 95.00%, and its highest house edge is 5.00%.

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Don't gamble what you can't afford to lose. Know that it should be just for fun and the house always wins.

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