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Casino Answers » Casino Game Rules » What Are The Rules to Let It Ride?

What Are The Rules to Let It Ride?

So you’re looking for Let It Ride Rules eh? Well first of all we have good news – this is a very simple game to play. Even for beginners, after a couple of betting rounds you will be able to pick this game up with ease.United States Play at Bovada
It’s probably best that to understand the Let It Ride poker rules, you play along as it make it a lot easier. You can play our free Let It Ride Flash Game as you read, and you should be able to pick up and understand this game within mere minutes.

Let It Ride is played with one single deck, consisting of all 52 cards, and multiple players can play Let It Ride. There is technically only one betting round when it comes to Let It Ride, which is before you are dealt any cards. You must place down three separate wagers, and you will have the option of letting the bets ride, or pulling the bets, which we’ll get to in just a second.

At this point, the dealer will also deal out two cards face down in the middle of the table. These are known as the community cards. All players participating in the Let It Ride hand can use these cards, and your object is to make the best five card poker hand.

Note: You aren’t playing against the dealer, nor are you playing against the other players. You are playing for yourself, and nothing you can do will directly or indirectly influence the other player hands.

So at this point, you will have three cards. There will be two community cards sitting out in the middle of the table, and you have three separate bets in front of you. This is where you have the decision of letting it ride, or pulling back your bet.

Now to win any bets at Let It Ride, you need to have a minimum pair of tens. Lets take the following hand for example. We have three bets of $100 here:

let it ride rules 1

In this hand, you have two cards in the jack and ace that if you pair them up, you will immediately have a winning hand. Now if we are following actual Let It Ride strategy, we would want to pull our bet, because the odds are against us having a winning hand. So lets pull our bet:

let it ride rules 2

As you can see, we pulled the bet and there are only two bets remaining. Now we didn’t pair up our hand. We would only want to let it ride here if we had four cards that were ten or higher, however as we don’t, we want to pull the second bet too:

let it ride rules 3

As you can see, we won the hand with a pair of tens. The return on a pair of tens is 1:1, so we get our initial $100 bet back, plus we win $100. If we had “Let It Ride” both times rather than pulling our bet, then we would have won all three bets, or $300 profit.

That’s really all there is to Let It Ride. It’s a very easy game to play, and Let It Ride strategy is very easy to remember. The minimum hand you need to win as mentioned is a pair of tens, and the payout schedule is:

Pair of Tens or better: 1 to 1
Two Pair: 2 to 1
Three of a Kind: 3 to 1
Straight: 5 to 1
Flush: 8 to 1
Full House: 11 to 1
Four of a Kind: 50 to 1
Straight Flush: 200 to 1
Royal Flush: 1000 to 1

Some casinos also have a Let It Ride bonus game, where you can place an additional bet and make money based on your hand. These bonus games are usually best avoided, even though the odds may look appealing. 20,000 to 1 may look like great odds on a Royal Flush, however when you consider the odds of a Royal Flush are 649,750 to 1 – yeah, not quite so appealing. Even something like two pair, which is a 6-1 bonus game payout, the odds of getting two pair are 20 to 1.

If you’re looking to play Let It Ride for real money, we highly recommend hitting up VIP Slots Casino. While it says “Slots” in the name, they have great Let It Ride software(known as Let Them Ride FYI), and a great rewards program, treating you to some fantastic casino comps. Check it out.

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