European Roulette is a standard roulette game which follows the same rules as practically every other roulette game. You have the roulette wheel with the coloured and numbered slots. You have a white ball, and players place bets on where the white ball will eventually settle after it is placed into the spinning roulette wheel.
The only difference from European Roulette and American Roulette, is that the European Roulette wheel only has 37 numbered slots, while the American Roulette wheel has 38 numbered slots.
European Roulette has 1-36 just like it’s American Roulette counterpart – however it only has a 0 slot, while American Roulette has both a 0 and a 00 slot.
European Roulette also can be found in a lot of different variations. Along with European Roulette, you can find European Roulette Gold at Jackpot City Casino. Titan Casino offers Premium European Roulette, where you can play with other people or in a group.
Additional European Roulette Questions:
What is European Roulette Gold?
European Roulette Gold is an online roulette game that can be found at casinos like Jackpot City Casino. It includes all the standard European Roulette bets, however also offers both neighbor bets and call bets.
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